Notes to self: A few useful image processing commands for running in Linux. All these are much faster to run from the CLI than using an app that having to manage graphics at the same time. -
convert *.jpg -average <averaged-filename>.jpg – averaging command
convert *.jpg -evaluate-sequence median <output file-name>.jpg - a different averaging command
mogrify -resize 1920 *.jpg – resizing command
mogrify -bordercolor black -border 10x10 *.jpg – adding a thin black edge to images
mogrify -bordercolor white -border 400x400 *.jpg – adding a white border to images
convert <filename>.<file-extension> -colorspace
gray <output filename>.<file-extension> – command to
convert a single image to black and white
for i in *.jpg; do convert "$i" -colorspace Gray "BW_$i"; done – Bash script to convert a bunch of files into black and white
exiftool -a -u -s -G1 <file_name> - to read EXIF image file data
gmic -input <filename.file-extension> scale_dcci2x , cut 0,255 round output <theOutputFileName>.tif - command to perform a DCCI2x upsize