Thursday, February 01, 2024

Then and Now ~ part two

Thinking a bit further about the size of the gear we used to have compared to what we have today, I remembered there were some wonderfully compact interchangeable lens cameras.  One in particular attracted my attention, though I never could afford it, even on the used market, and that was the Minolta CL and CLE.

So I thought I'd have a quick look at the lenses and camera body for that small Minolta and compare them to Sony APS-C.  The thing that attracts me, even now, to Sony APS-C is that this series remains smaller than Fuji, Canon, and Nikon devices of equivalent sensor size.  

I noticed years ago just how big Fuji, in particular, is.  Check around and you'll see that Fuji with the small sensor is as big as a Sony full frame.  Makes me wonder what's taking up all that space in those cameras.  Canon makes me wonder the same thing.

Continuing with compactness, it's easy to see just how light and small the Minoltas were.  Then I remembered another camera I never owned and that is the Contax G1.  It's rather modern and the lenses are AF.  It could be interesting to compare AF film lenses with digital.  For this I choose a couple Sigma EX DN and a Sony OSS.

Compact Cameras Weight Length Height Depth
Contax G1 450grams 133mm 77mm 35mm
Minolta CLE 380grams 124mm 77.5mm 32mm
Sony NEX-5T 276grams 111mm 59mm 39mm
Sony A6300 404grams 120mm 67mm 49mm



Biogon 21mm f/2.8 200grams 35mm 59mm
Planar 35mm f/2 160grams 29mm 56mm
Planar 45mm f/2 190grams 39mm 56mm
Zeiss Sonnar 90mm f/2.8 290grams 54mm 59mm


28mm f/2.8 135grams 35mm 51mm
40mm f/2 105grams 24.5mm 51mm
90mm f/4 250grams 60mm 51mm

Sony APS-C

Sigma 19mm f/2.8 EX DN 140grams 46mm 61mm
Sigma 30mm f/2.8 EX DN 135grams 39mm 61mm
Sony 50mm f/1.8 OSS 202grams 62mm 62mm

Just as with full frame, the big changes from then to now are the increased capabilities of digital over film.  And in terms of compactness I'm happy to see certain of today's APS-C devices aren't much different than back when we used film.  I wish Sony still offered the NEX series APS-C.  The versions without EVS are truly compact and light.



Retromobile ~ 2024

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